Book Publishing Tips for Self Publishing
Build Your Audience of Readers
One crucial aspect of self-publishing a book is probably one you haven’t given much thought to: audience development. Writing can be such a solitary act, and self-publishing lends itself to this feeling, but you must always keep your readers in mind. Your book, once published, belongs to them, too. It’s important to write while keeping…
Read MoreWriting Forums Build an Author’s Audience
Building an audience is all about making connections. You can do this through your book, your words, your social media personality, your blog, or through meaningful interactions with other writers and readers in writing forums. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be a part of a creative and supportive community? Think of how your craft will…
Read MoreHow to Create a Blog and Author Website to Build Your Audience
So far in this blog series, we’ve discussed what audience development is and how to use social media to achieve it. In this blog, we’ll discuss why authors should create a blog and an official author website to provide a central hub for everything they write and publish. Even if you aren’t particularly technologically savvy, you…
Read MoreUsing Social Media to Interact with Readers
Social media has many benefits, and social media for writers is a great way to develop, grow, and maintain an audience of devoted readers. Audience development is important not only for sales and income but also for the longevity of your book and potential future books. Social media provides a direct line to readers and…
Read MoreWhat is Audience Development?
Our latest blog series has been about audience development: how to gain readership and keep it.
Read MoreSelf-Publish Your Book This Year
Want to self-publish a book? Start the new year with some writing goals! These goals should keep you focused, on track, and excited about your book. Make 2019 the year you publish a book. It’s about time.
Read MoreBecome a Better Writer, Read More in 2019
One way to make your writing better is to set and follow a reading list. Lately on the blog, we’ve been discussing writing goals. Every writer, whether cognizant of it or not, has writing goals that they’re constantly striving toward. Whether this is to write a screenplay, win a short story competition, or publish a…
Read MoreWrite Outside Your Comfort Zone
2019 is here, which means it’s time to start setting and sticking to new writing goals for the year. Writing goals or writing resolutions are so important for writers because they help keep them on track and motivated. Along with setting daily or weekly word counts, writing in a different genre can help strengthen and…
Read MoreHow Many Words should be in a Novel
If you’ve been deciding how to set writing goals for yourself, chances are you’ve asked, “How many words are in a novel anyway?” Well, let us tell you: a lot. Writing a novel or a memoir or a cookbook is a lot of work, but in the end it’s so worth it when you have that book…
Read MoreWhy Are Writing Goals Important For Authors
It’s officially 2019! If you’ve been wanting to self-publish a book, then this is the year to set writing goals and make it happen. Writing goals are a great way to keep track of your progress and hold yourself accountable. However, like all New Year’s resolutions, you may find yourself a bit too optimistic at…
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