How to Edit: Going from a First Draft to Second Draft

how to edit

Self-published authors need to know how to edit their drafts. Just like there can be no book unless you write it, there can be no good book unless you edit it. No one writes perfect drafts. Sometimes it can take multiple tries to get it right. Each draft is going to get you closer to…

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Writing from Home: Tips to Help Self-Publishers Keep Active

writing from home

A lot of self-published authors may find themselves, more often than not, writing from home. Whether this is through a site where you get paid for creative writing, freelance work, or working on their soon-to-be-self-published novel, these writers will find inspiration, or a lack thereof, within the confines of their home. It can either be…

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A Good Title is Hard to Find

book titles

Book titles are one of the first things the reader will notice about books. Your self-published novel should have a dynamic title. It should intrigue, invite, and make a promise to the reader. Finding your book title is difficult, however: there’s a lot of pressure to get it right.

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Finding Balance Between Dialogue and Narration

writing a book

Writing a book is a challenging feat, one that many people set out to do and find too difficult. Self-published authors, especially, have lots of challenges facing them, but the payoff is great. Self-publishing a book is a great way to get good stories into the hands of eager readers. Anyone can self-publish, and that’s…

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How to Make Money as a Writer

how to make money as a writer

Art is a refuge. It’s a cornerstone of society, a reminder of beauty and revolution and comfort. Art museums, music, libraries – they’re all necessary aspects in culture. Yet, despite this high regard, too often writers (as well as other artists) are not compensated as they properly should be. It can be difficult, figuring out…

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