File Review & Fixing
File Review & Fixing
File Review & Fixing
Free Book File Review - Quality Check
We offer a Free Online PDF Checker Tool, so you can pre-check your PDF files before submitting them to us. The PDF checker will scan your file for the most common file problems that we see with files each day.
Once you have run your PDF file through the PDF Checker, you will be able to download an online proof. The downloadable proof will show you how the pages will lay next to each other in the book. You will also be able to download the PDF Checker Report that will tell you of any problems and direct you on how to fix the problems.
Book File Checking at DiggyPOD
When you place an order with DiggyPOD, we will check for the same items as our Free PDF Checker, but dig deeper into the file. We make sure the integrity of the file is correct and will print correctly.
There are a lot of technical items we check for, such as flattening form fields and artwork to list a few. We also do some basic visual checks of each file, we check the placement of page numbers, headers, and any footers, to make sure they are not on the binding side of the book. We double check and visually look at the resolution of books cover images to make sure they are high resolution.
Keep in mind, the quality check does not include proofreading or spellchecking. We recommend hiring an outside editor for those services.
Common Fonts we can Embed
Listed below are the common fonts we can embed with our $35.00 Simple File Fix service.
- Arial, Arial Black
- Comic Sans MS
- Courier New
- Georgia
- Impact
- Lucida Console, Lucida Sans
- Unicode
- Palatino Linotype
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana
- Symbol
- Wingdings
- MS Sans Serif, MS Serif
If you are on a tight budget and want to learn how to embed your fonts into a PDF file, please view our Create a PDF video tutorials.
Our Commitment to Quality
At DiggyPOD we are very quality-oriented. We err on the side of caution when it comes to quality. The last thing we ever want to do is print a book that we would not be happy with if we were publishing a book ourselves. Our team of prepress and customer service employees make sure to inform you of any problems we find, so you can make an informed decision on what is best for your book.
Whatever choice you make, we just want to be sure you are completely informed. This is your book and we want to make sure you get the very best quality we can deliver.
If you have any file questions, please feel free to give us a call at 1-877-944-7844, we are here to make your book publishing dreams a reality.
Next Chapter > Proofs
In This Chapter
• Free Book File Review - Quality Check
• Book File Checking at DiggyPOD
Next Chapter
• Proofs
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